I have another quilt I pattern tested! Wall hanging size. I really need to quilt these and do something with them! I just hate my FMQ skills (or lack of) and it is hard to motivate. I have been toying with sending one off, but just can't make myself do it when I am just being lazy!
I am learning how to knit also. Wow who knew how hard that is? I am finally getting a little smoother at it and just doing one stitch (knit stitch). My sweety pie doesn't like me in my sewing room all the time and "ignoring" him, so now I can sit with him and knit. Bless his heart he just likes us in the same room :). I crochet already but found a whole knitting mother load at a yard sale for a dollar, so boom! I am learning with Craftsy. I think the course is called knit lab. I love Craftsy! I have decided to also not over extend myself on sewing. I got a little overwhelmed when I tested 3 patterns back to back and overlapped. I also had a baby present and such all at the same time. It kinda stopped being fun for a min. I also desperately and let me just bold that for effect DESPERATELY need to reorganize my sewing room.
OH how could I have forgot (well because it is still in the box because of the above statement) I got a new sewing machine. Well a new old one. I believe it is featherweight, but I need to research it. I will post all about it sometime.
Well if you are still out there reading my ramble thank you! Also I was wondering how you other bloggy folks went about getting sponsors. Did you contact them or other way around? I have had a couple contacts that seem pretty fishy and not any place I know, so I didn't respond.
I also have been gardening, work is busy, and we just moved our horses from the other farm to here. I also have been canning some jam:
I almost for got I pattern tested this for Pile O Fabric and Love it as my machine cover!!!
Well what else. Oh personal best at couponing last night saved $140! We had literally not been to the store since February and we were so low in the stock pile! We were so low in fact the sweet one decided he wanted to go and kept asking me when we were going shopping. HE HATES coupon shopping and wanted to go! It is a family event we all go and all clip and sort coupons. I am the one who organizes the coupons and makes the list and matches with ads etc, but everyone has to play their part.
So that about does it for me. It really sounds like I have been super busy lol! Well I hope all is well with each of you and thanks for hanging around! Blessings to you all!